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Sharing Our Memories:Jamestown S'Klallam Elders
Artwork by Jeff Monson

Sharing Our Memories:
Jamestown S'Klallam Elders

Honoring Elders for their Lives and their Wisdom.




Walter Joseph Hubman



Walter J. Hubman:

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Walter Joseph Hubman

June 1, 1918 on the farm at Blyn, Washington.
Karl Franz Joseph Hubman and
Mercedes Reyes Hubman Campbell
John Wesley Campbell Sr.
Bartolo and Annie Jacobs Reyes

  Sharing Our Memories Audio Clips:

Farm Life  [789KB .mp3]


“I was born on the farm in the same house my mother was born in and my Aunt Marion was there at the delivery.”
The farm is North of the Jamestown S’Klallam Tribal Center about a mile on Highway 101 where you can see the Percheron horses. This area was known as Blyn.
His father was born in Austria in 1894. “He came over here with two other young fellas, they landed in New York, then he came down into Oklahoma. He was really interested in Indians. While he was in Oklahoma he enlisted in the Army. From there he was transferred to Fort Worden up here and that’s where my mother met him and then got married. He died in the flu epidemic when I was about five months old.” His mother was remarried to John Campbell who was the only dad he ever knew. “I think my dad John Campbell was one of the hardest working men that I have ever known. He logged during the day and in the winter time he also dug clams commercially for the Bugge Cannery.”
His Grandmother was born at Port Discovery. “Bartolo Reyes, from Chile, was one of my Gram’s husbands. He was a seafaring man. He was on a sailing ship that came into Port Discovery loaded with lumber. When they were headed back to Chile they wrecked in a storm off of Grays Harbor. The crew was all saved by the Indians down there. Bartolo and some of them came back up to Port Townsend to the immigration office. He met Gram, they were married, and he never went back to sea.”
One of Walt’s earliest memories was when he first started school at the Little Michigan settlement about a mile east of Blyn where Bekkevar’s farm on Highway 101 is now. The name of the school was the “Little Michigan School.” This was a one room school with about ten kids. “The building is still there and I think people live in it now. ”
when he was little, Walt went to Jamestown with his mother and family. He got acquainted with other tribal members mostly through his grandmother who knew them all. They would visit Jake Hall and some of the other people living there. He remembers playing on the beach and seeing the canoes. There was always a fire going for smoking salmon.
“We got around in an old Model T Ford. There were several who traveled around with a horse and wagon.”
On the farm they had cows. “I can remember getting up real early and at the most I milked eight cows in the mornings. I attended the chores while my Dad worked in the logging camp and then come back in, clean up, have breakfast and catch the school bus at five minutes to eight. After school I would get home and do the same thing all over again. Feed the cattle , the hogs and calves, no idle time.”
Walter Joseph Hubman passed away in 2003.



Jamestown Elders featured in this Exhibit.

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George Woodman

Harriette Lorraine Hall Adams

Tillie Campbell Norton Baker

Robert C.
Delores Kardonsky Bridges

DeEtte William "Bill" Broderson


Ruby Prince George

Walter Joseph Hubman

Helen Becker Jarvis


Lincoln T.

Image of Exhibit companion book cover: 'Sharing Our Memories' Jamestown S'Klallam Elders; Commemorating the 30th Anniversary of the Official Federal Recognition of the Jamestown S'Klallam Tribe
In 2001, with funding from the National Park Service Historic Preservation program, the Jamestown S’Klallam Tribe conducted interviews with Tribal Elders and transformed these oral histories into the book “Sharing Our Memories:
Jamestown S’Klallam Elders.”