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Sweet grass basket. Sweet grass,red cedar woven. Asymetrical basket made of marsh sweet grass with sweet grass berries, woven with a 1-3-5 twill base and cedar overlay.
Sweet grass basket. Sweet grass,red cedar woven. Asymetrical basket made of marsh sweet grass with sweet grass berries, woven with a 1-3-5 twill base and cedar overlay.
TitleSweet grass basket. Sweet grass, red cedar woven. Asymetrical basket made of marsh sweet grass with sweet grass berries, woven with a 1-3-5 twill base and cedar overlay.
Object IDCMG00013
PhotographerNeff, Ben Holden, Josh
AuthorMacGregor, Cathy
NotesMade by Cathy MacGregor. Cathy is the daughter of Andy MacGregor and the granddaughter of Florence Reyes MacGregor of the Jamestown S'Klallam Tribe in Blyn, Washington.

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