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Annie Reyes with six grandchildren, Blyn, WA, 1925
Annie Reyes with six grandchildren, Blyn, WA, 1925
TitleAnnie Reyes with six grandchildren, Blyn, WA, 1925
Object IDsmg2_00017
NotesStanding: Albert Peterson, Walt Hubman, Seated: Betty MacGregor, John Campbell, Annie Reyes (Gram), Cynthia Campbell, Juanita MacGregor
Subjects (LCTGM)Women -- Washington (State) -- Olympic Peninsula -- Clallam County -- Blyn
Trees -- Washington (State) -- Olympic Peninsula -- Clallam County -- Blyn
Children -- Washington (State) -- Olympic Peninsula -- Clallam County -- Blyn
Subjects (LCSH)Jamestown S'Klallam Tribe of Washington
Personal NamesPeterson, Albert
Hubman, Walter Joseph
Campbell, John
Campbell, Cynthia
Reyes, Annie Jacob Lambert
MacGregor, Juanita
MacGregor, Betty
Location DepictedUnited States -- Washington (State) -- Olympic Peninsula -- Clallam County -- Blyn;
Digital CollectionFlorence Reyes MacGregor Family Collection
Ordering InformationFull-resolution electronic copies are available by request.  For ordering information and fees, please send a written request to:  Jamestown S'Klallam Tribal Library, 1033 Old Blyn Highway, Sequim, WA 98382; or email
OwnerBonnie MacGregor
Physical DescriptionPhotographic Print: b&w; 2x4 in.
Digital Image InformationImage was scanned from photographic print to TIFF format using Epson 10000XL scanners at 600 ppi. TIFF file was resized to 2400 pixels in the long dimension and saved as a JPEG.
GrantIMLS Native American Enhancement Grant 2010
Request ChangesTo request changes to this item you may SUBMIT UPDATE requests online using the link below, or contact the Jamestown S'Klallam Tribal Library at: Please reference the OBJECT ID in your email.
ContributorBonnie MacGregor

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